Saturday, 3 January 2015

A look back at 2014

So a lot of these posts have cropped up, and I've had this waiting and meant to put it on yesterday but ended up forgetting! I'm gonna blame the fact that I was very busy sale shopping and stuffing my face at TGI Fridays... *woops*

     Photo from Pinterest

Anyway, last year was a very busy one for me, one where I tested my abilities, had enormous amounts of stress put upon me, jumped through hoops attempting to get a job, but also had amazing experiences with friends and family. I'm definitely a different person now, I've grown in myself (sounds cheesy, I know), and gained so much more confidence... These are a few of the valuable lessons I've learnt:

Don't be so harsh on myself:

This time last year I was at the beginning of a very long slog of applying for numerous jobs for part of my university course. My degree is Fashion Management at Nottingham Trent and for it to be a Sandwich degree, I have to spend a year out in industry to gain experience. As you can imagine I applied to anything and everything from ASOS, Debenhams, M&S, George and L'Oreal. The application process for all were exhausting - mentally and physically draining. Getting 'no' after 'no' can really start to knock your confidence and I found I began to doubt myself. Thankfully, in May I was offered a job at Boots which I was beyond excited about and it seemed to be the perfect fit. For me, the main thing I can take from that is to remember every 'no' you get means your learning every time, as long as you can have patience, the right job or whatever your looking for, will come to you.

Being organised really helps:

If my rooms tidy, my minds tidy. Last year really tested my organisation abilities and I'm sure a similar thing will happen this year. You can go into something with the best intentions and suddenly, half way into your assignment you realise you forgot to do that reading you were meant to do or type up your report. These things just creep up on you and end up knocking you down. The best thing to do is keep a diary/organiser and stick to it. This coming year I've got to juggle work, uni work and somehow create great relationships with those in my work place which will be valuable next year for my dissertation. I can already see that this will be a massive challenge so I've taken steps to make it easier for me. Organisation and foreseeing possible issues for me is key.

Take every experience as it comes:

This past year I've been through some amazing experiences and enjoyed them all. My downfall: before I go to things - especially ones that I don't know about details wise - I tend to freak out. I really like to know what's going on and when I don't I can end up ruining it for myself before I even go. I've experienced quite a few already at Boots and they really don't tell you anything until your there. They all turn out to be really good, I've been the same when I go on holiday or even on a city break. I just needed to learn to take a step back and take it for what it is.

I'm really excited for 2015, I know it's going to be a difficult year in terms of work but I'm determined to stick to some new resolutions for the new year.

Firstly, the old favourite, exercise and eat healthy!

Yes, I know that is so cliche but it's true. I want to be on a beach in summer and feel confident about how I look, hopefully with few self conscious body worries. Don't we all have that slight feeling of wanting to look like a Victoria's Secret Angel? No? Just me?

I don't necessarily want to loose weight, just have more definition and tone, so i'll be doing more muscle workouts than cardio, though I am going to attempt to take up running (God help me). On the eating healthy side of things, don't get me wrong, I don't binge and eat jars of nutella or cheeseburger after cheeseburger... I have a pretty balanced diet already, but mainly want to eat less of the bad, so less chocolate, sweets and crisps etc. However, I'm not about to punish myself for indulging on a bag or two every now and then of giant cadbury buttons! I just want to feel a bit more confident come summer.

Next there is one I realllllly want to stick to: create great, more focused content for the blog

I think my main downfall on my last blog was creating random posts. I want to start having some kind of organisation to my blog, keeping a theme of beauty running throughout but also having set posts of 'monthly favourites' and regular updates on changes to my everyday make up routine, or skincare etc. Throw in a few outfit of the day posts and instagram updates of the week and that will be the jist of this blog. Hopefully looking very organised! 

Then there's another hard one: To stop comparing myself

It sometimes feels, in all aspects of life, that there is a competition. When I was apply for jobs I wasn't just up against all the girls on my course, but girls and guys all over the country trying to apply for a job and I'm telling you now, it's dog eat dog out there. But there's not only that, I find my self comparing myself to those I work with now, people on the same scheme as me, friends, friends of friends, celebrities, other bloggers, the list could go on! All I need to do is stop, at the end of the day you need to feel good about yourself before others can see how good you are.

Finally, one I'm sure many of us are trying to do after Christmas: Save money

With me earning from my job this year, I feel like I'm rich everyday pay day comes around -- similar to that feeling you get when your student loan comes in, but it lasts longer and comes round more frequently! However, I am very veryyyy aware that come September, I will not be earning and will be a poor student once again... this time with a car to run. So it is at the forefront of my mind, that yes, while I have the money I should enjoy it, but I should also attempt to save at least some of it!

Quite a few goals there, and I aim to stock to the majority of them! May as well aim high! I hope that 2015 is a great year for you all, have you made any resolutions/goals for this year?

Emma x


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